When Chef Justin was 4 he went through a series of autism meltdowns. It was a hard time do our entire family and I’m sure some of his teachers.Autism meltdowns in autistic children are intense emotional outbursts that are usually a result of sensory overload or frustration. They can include loud screaming, crying, hitting, and other forms of physical aggression. During a meltdown, a child may have difficulty communicating and may not be able to understand what is being said to them. It is important to remember that autistic meltdowns are not intentional and are not done out of spite.When a meltdown occurs, it is important to remain calm and provide a safe environment for the child. It is best to remove any objects that could be used as a weapon and give the child some space. Avoid any sudden movements or loud noises that could further escalate the situation. It is also important to provide verbal reassurance to the child, letting them know that they are safe and that you are there to help.The most effective way to prevent meltdowns is to identify the triggers that lead to them and create strategies to avoid them. These triggers can be environmental, such as a noisy room or crowded space, or emotional, such as feeling overwhelmed by a task. Identifying these triggers and creating strategies to avoid them can help prevent meltdowns from occurring in the first place. For example, if a child has difficulty with large crowds, it may be best to limit their exposure to them.If a meltdown does occur, it is important to take a step back and try to understand the child’s perspective. It is also important to provide support and understanding, rather than punishment or criticism. It is important to remember that the child is not in control of their behavior during a meltdown and may not be able to communicate their needs.We had cards that we carried around that said I’m not a bad mother my child is not a bad child he has autism and can not control himself. Please stand back and let his meltdown work itself out. Justin’s meltdowns were so bad that for three years I didn’t wear a dress anywhere. I didn’t want to have to haul 70 lbs of screaming child out over my shoulder while flashing everyone.Autism meltdowns can be difficult to manage and can be extremely distressing for both children and parents. It is important to remember that meltdowns are a part of life for many children on the autism spectrum and that with understanding and support, it is possible to manage them effectively.Chef Justin has been meltdown Free for over 13 years. I do not miss those days. Hang in there momma it will get better.